Anyone looking for a cat that is laid back and gentle should look at the catbreed "Ragdoll." The breed was developed during the mid-nineteen hundreds by a cat breeder in the US. He bred a cat that when people held it, it would be limp like a Raggedy Ann doll.
The breed was a cross between a Birman cat and another type of longhair cat from an unknown ancestry. The Ragdoll had a calm, relaxed nature, and although the Cat Fancier's Association did not initially acknowledge the Ragdoll, their descendants became the gentle Ragdolls we know today.
This breed is one of the largest of the cat breeds, weighing between ten and twenty pounds. It is no surprise that such heavy cats have big, muscular bodies. Their heads are slightly round, their ears are small and rounded, and a Ragdoll cat's large eyes are bright blue. This breed's tail is slightly bushy and tapers at the end.
The Ragdoll comes only in a few colors and patterns. Truly, there are actually only 4 colors accepted by the Cat Fancier's Association, Seal, Chocolate, Blue, and Lilac. You can find these colors in pointed, mitted, or bicolor patterns, but occasionally breeders avoid mitted cats because they look too much to the breed's Birman ancestors.
The Ragdoll's calm demeanor makes it the perfect choice for families. These cats are almost dog-like in their behavior, greeting relatives at the door, following them through the house, and snuggling down beside them on the couch. If you do not believe in de-clawing your cat, but are concerned about having your furniture ruined, you may want to consider this breed also. Some Ragdoll breeders say their cats have learned to use a scratching post instead of furniture arms to sharpen their claws much faster than their other cat breeds. Because these cats seem to make an effort to keep from scratching people, as well, they may be less likely to scratch furniture as a choice.
While this cat breed does not particularly want the company of other pets and seems to prefer to spend time with family members over cats, it does not mind habituating with other pets. Perhaps this preference is because this breed is so much larger than other cats, but it is more likely because the Ragdoll is just so mellow.
Since the Ragdoll is a longhair animal, many prospective cat owners are a little bit hesitant about choosing this breed. They are afraid they won't have time for the frequent grooming most longhairs have to have. However, this breed's silky coat texture makes it a very low care cat. Combing through your cat's hair weekly to remove stray hairs or debris is all that is necessary to keep his coat looking fantastic. One thing you may want to remember is that although most longhairs are prone to hairballs, Ragdoll cats rarely develop them.
If you want a sweet-tempered, family oriented animal, then the big Ragdoll may be the best breed for you.
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